Monday, April 29, 2019
Dispatch issue #5
Broken glass fuels focused fundraiser-
After the broken glass vandalism, the PTSA got a large sum of donations ($10,740). The PTSA has decided to up the security this year with their donations, including updated cameras and new sensor cameras that will be more sensitive to any movement.
1. Leslie Dippel, Mr.Robertson, kylee dinwiddie, PTSA team.
2. I think Leslie Dippel's quote was the strongest in my opinion.
3. No, the sentence was great, but I do not care about this topic that much; it was an extremely stupid thing to do and I've already been annoyed with it when it first happened, and it was all everyone talked about. I was done after the whole glass thing a week after it happened. I'm sure most students were.
4. The conclusion was a quote.
After the broken glass vandalism, the PTSA got a large sum of donations ($10,740). The PTSA has decided to up the security this year with their donations, including updated cameras and new sensor cameras that will be more sensitive to any movement.
1. Leslie Dippel, Mr.Robertson, kylee dinwiddie, PTSA team.
2. I think Leslie Dippel's quote was the strongest in my opinion.
3. No, the sentence was great, but I do not care about this topic that much; it was an extremely stupid thing to do and I've already been annoyed with it when it first happened, and it was all everyone talked about. I was done after the whole glass thing a week after it happened. I'm sure most students were.
4. The conclusion was a quote.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
free write
Free write:
There are three children sitting on a log near a stream. One of them looks up at the sky and says,
“I’m actually 7,”. The two other kids stood up. The one covered in mud looked down are the confessor, “seven what?”, he asked.
“What even is that?”
“I dunno my caregiver transported info into my food and now I know stuff.”
The muddy kid sat back down, leaving the green kid still standing,” What are you guys even talking about?”.
Of course, the green kid didn’t know anything about the planet or solar system.
“Shut up green, nothing you would know anyway.” blurted the muddy kid.
This only angered green, to such an extent he decided to argue back.
“W-well I don’t think it’s f-fair, you guys always know what's going on and won’t ever tell me!”
The confessor and the muddy kid looked at each other in shock. Did green really stand up for himself? Scratch that, did green yell?
You see green was always seen as a quiet dumb kid who never questioned who was in charge and why, green also did not have a caregiver to be fed information.
Muddy always used to make green go run arrons for them, like collection one hundred sticks or collect the water from the steam using a hairnet. Just to be amused on boring days.
How rude.
The two children never really thought green would become sensible enough to understand what he was doing, they used green as a placeholder since they never really found other children on the entire planet. It was about a few miles all around. Small. There were plenty of other planets but the children weren’t permitted to leave until they were of 15 years.
So it seemed, green was smarter now, but was he smarter than the other children?
He bravely asked,” How did our planet come to be,” Confessor was shocked that he had such adequate grammar and so was mud kid but they answered, confidently,
“I don’t know,” said mud kid.
“Why does it matter, that’s the past,” stated confessor.
Green’s eyes flickered, and almost glowed, he smiled a wide smile.
“Actually it used to be part of a massive planet full of organisms and abiotic factors like our little stream here,”
The two kids were astonished, confused, and speechless.
“I actually was quite aware of what tricks you pulled on me for your own amusement, I actually pitied myself for a time being, But then I remembered why I was doing all of this idiot things.”
The kids went silent, mud gutted up a question,” who even are you..?”.
That's when green smiled, but he didn’t stop, as his smile grew his head grew to fit, his body was growing and distorting in ways that shouldn’t be possible. His smile grew to reveal many rows of needle-like teeth.
Green spoke, but with a raspier deep voice,” I only needed your trust,”.
The two kids frozen in fear looked at what they once knew to be green, tears welling up in their eyes.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Merger Photo
1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully.
The shadows might be an issue since they are cut off and or in a different angle. And one doesn't even have a shadow.
2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?
In a hallway where they won't be ant outside light that gives u a shadow and instead there would be regular lights from lightbulbs.
3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?
I would make it look like I'm running away from myself, how deep.
4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?
vibrant clothes that are not like the background so she won't merge into the picture.
The shadows might be an issue since they are cut off and or in a different angle. And one doesn't even have a shadow.
2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?
In a hallway where they won't be ant outside light that gives u a shadow and instead there would be regular lights from lightbulbs.
3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?
I would make it look like I'm running away from myself, how deep.
4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?
vibrant clothes that are not like the background so she won't merge into the picture.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Monday, April 15, 2019
HDR photography
1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
You will need to adjust the shutter speed to really low for some shots and very high. Also, ensure there is high exposure. Make the ISO 400 and A F13t
2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?
Possibly a tripod so the camera will be still and sturdy, And the image will be clear.
3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?
To show all the details in the photo a camera may not be able to capture all at once but it's similar to what we see in real life, but on camera.
4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo.
We will see all the details in the photo such as the clouds in the back and the vibrant water and also how striking the trees look. It closely resembles how the human eyes see the scene. They are all high exposure photos with different levels of brightness.
You will need to adjust the shutter speed to really low for some shots and very high. Also, ensure there is high exposure. Make the ISO 400 and A F13t
2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?
Possibly a tripod so the camera will be still and sturdy, And the image will be clear.
3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?
To show all the details in the photo a camera may not be able to capture all at once but it's similar to what we see in real life, but on camera.
4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo.
We will see all the details in the photo such as the clouds in the back and the vibrant water and also how striking the trees look. It closely resembles how the human eyes see the scene. They are all high exposure photos with different levels of brightness.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Movie Review writing
Pirates are Still Out There
Movie Review By Nellie Yenin
Captain Phillips, played by Tom Hanks shows what it is like to be taken hostage by real pirates. Barkhad Abdi who played the leader Abduwali of the Somalian pirates, along with Faysal Ahmed as Najee, Mahat M. Ali as Elmi and Barkhad Abdirahman as Bilal.
In April 2009, Captain Richard Phillips set off to assist the Maersk Alabama container ship along with his crew. The ship sails toward the destination around the hook of Africa which is known for its pirate activity. Although the ship has ways to fend off anyone who might decide to overthrow the ship. In Phillips case, this doesn't work fast enough as the pirates take them by surprise. Richard Phillips finds a way to protect his crew from the hostile invaders. Phillips finessed them and tricked them that the boat would not work since it was off the orginal route. The Somalian pirates decide to take Phillip as a hostage to the ship's lifeboat while he is at gunpoint. Over the next few days, the captain is in a hot strident environment while being starved and in dehydration. The pirates are after millions of dollars and won't stop till they get what they want.
The ensemble effort of the crew was so substantial you almost couldn't tell if the whole situation was real or not. Captain Phillips started out like any other captain of the sea taking strong percussions to ensure the safety of the crew and the boat's supplies. Captain Phillips then risked his own life for the sake of others which might be the bravest action of the movie. While Phillips was on the boat with the pirates the thought that he might not survive at all hit him, instead of breaking down he strived to let his family know he loves them.
If you are looking for a nail-biting suspenseful experience from the safety of your own home, Captain Phillips provides life or death based on every little decision. It is not recommended for those who have a weak heart and twelve and under should stay away as this is more recommended to those who can handle extreme violence.
I thought the movie was extremely suspenseful and when I finished watching I had no more nails left to spare. I felt like I was in the place of Phillips and felt afraid for his life. I also got a chance to get to know the pirates and understood their side and as to why they are committing such a hostile act for a taste of money. As a movie critic, not much as blown me alway to such an extent as Captain Phillips has. I feel that the high concept is you can never be safe no matter where you are and that is always important to let those who you love that you do. I give the Captain Phillips movie a strong five out of five starts, for not only impressing me in near all factors, I personally had to call my family to let them know that I love them, just in case it might be my last. That's the thing with this movie you really never know what will happen since it can happen in a matter of seconds.
Captain Phillips, played by Tom Hanks shows what it is like to be taken hostage by real pirates. Barkhad Abdi who played the leader Abduwali of the Somalian pirates, along with Faysal Ahmed as Najee, Mahat M. Ali as Elmi and Barkhad Abdirahman as Bilal.
In April 2009, Captain Richard Phillips set off to assist the Maersk Alabama container ship along with his crew. The ship sails toward the destination around the hook of Africa which is known for its pirate activity. Although the ship has ways to fend off anyone who might decide to overthrow the ship. In Phillips case, this doesn't work fast enough as the pirates take them by surprise. Richard Phillips finds a way to protect his crew from the hostile invaders. Phillips finessed them and tricked them that the boat would not work since it was off the orginal route. The Somalian pirates decide to take Phillip as a hostage to the ship's lifeboat while he is at gunpoint. Over the next few days, the captain is in a hot strident environment while being starved and in dehydration. The pirates are after millions of dollars and won't stop till they get what they want.
The ensemble effort of the crew was so substantial you almost couldn't tell if the whole situation was real or not. Captain Phillips started out like any other captain of the sea taking strong percussions to ensure the safety of the crew and the boat's supplies. Captain Phillips then risked his own life for the sake of others which might be the bravest action of the movie. While Phillips was on the boat with the pirates the thought that he might not survive at all hit him, instead of breaking down he strived to let his family know he loves them.
If you are looking for a nail-biting suspenseful experience from the safety of your own home, Captain Phillips provides life or death based on every little decision. It is not recommended for those who have a weak heart and twelve and under should stay away as this is more recommended to those who can handle extreme violence.
I thought the movie was extremely suspenseful and when I finished watching I had no more nails left to spare. I felt like I was in the place of Phillips and felt afraid for his life. I also got a chance to get to know the pirates and understood their side and as to why they are committing such a hostile act for a taste of money. As a movie critic, not much as blown me alway to such an extent as Captain Phillips has. I feel that the high concept is you can never be safe no matter where you are and that is always important to let those who you love that you do. I give the Captain Phillips movie a strong five out of five starts, for not only impressing me in near all factors, I personally had to call my family to let them know that I love them, just in case it might be my last. That's the thing with this movie you really never know what will happen since it can happen in a matter of seconds.
Movie Review Prep
1. Who are the main characters you would expect to see in the movie, based on the real life events?
- Captain Phillips
- The Somalian pirates
- the navy
- Alabama's ship crew
3. Why was this story important?
4. Why did the pirates try to take the ship?
![]() | Tom Hanks | ... | Captain Richard Phillips |
![]() | Catherine Keener | ... | Andrea Phillips |
![]() | Barkhad Abdi | ... | Muse |
![]() | Barkhad Abdirahman | ... | Bilal |
![]() | Faysal Ahmed | ... | Najee |
Paul Greengrass
4. Who was the producer?
Scott Rudin, Dani Brunetti, Michael De Luca
5. What awards did it win?
7. How was it received by audiences?
8. What did other movie reviews think about the movie?
I expect the Plot to start with captain Phillips boarding the ship and assisting them. Around when they reach the hook of Africa, where they will see the Somalians coming after them. They try to fend them off but guess they do not succeed. The pirates board the ship and take the captain captive. The Somalians try to ransom the captain (Phillips). They take the ship's lifeboat. They go to see for a few days before the navy gets to them.
The navy offers peace and they don't listen because they want their money. That proves unsuccessful for them. The ransom gets around news everywhere and everyone is aware of what is going on. They then have a standoff and the three Somalian pirates are killed on the boat. Captain Phillips and rescued and returned to his family.
This story was important because most the time these hostage situations are not successful and captain Phillips risked his own life for the sake of the rest of the crew.
To sell the things on the ship and to ransom the crew to make allllot of money.
1. List the five most important actors in the film.
2. What is the movie rated?
Writers Guild of America Award for Best Adapted Screenplay
BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role
6. How much did it cost to make?
55 million $
All the movie reviews say it was a very tense dramatic movie and very powerful ending.
Monday, April 1, 2019
Final exam preview
1. Explain your experiences with creating videos. Anything counts, Facebook live, youtube, vine, tiktok, snapchat, insta, etc.I used to create stop motion videos with clay and use flipagram and imovie to make it.
I also used to make videos of me playing games when I was little (around 10).
I also made drawing tutorials.
And I would mess arpound with imovie and ake cool 'trailers' of my old friends and me while riding our bikes.
2. What do you think the biggest differences you might encounter using a DSLR or GoPro compared to your phone?Well you have to extract it and thats already pretty hard and u have to convert it etc.3. Now that you know what your assignment is, please list at least three ideas you have for creating video.4. Explain some ways you might be able to use still images in your video product.5. What are some ways you could use audio in your product?Maybe one about nature and capturing nature in movement,One about scenery( I don't want to make ones with specific people)And I would like to be in the city and observe crowds of people and make a unique theme to go with it.You can view the image and make it move from one side to the other or zoom in or zoom out.There can be music audio/ or a smokes person talking over the video explaining it, I wish I could get Morgan Freeman to do that for me.
I also used to make videos of me playing games when I was little (around 10).
I also made drawing tutorials.
And I would mess arpound with imovie and ake cool 'trailers' of my old friends and me while riding our bikes.
2. What do you think the biggest differences you might encounter using a DSLR or GoPro compared to your phone?Well you have to extract it and thats already pretty hard and u have to convert it etc.3. Now that you know what your assignment is, please list at least three ideas you have for creating video.4. Explain some ways you might be able to use still images in your video product.5. What are some ways you could use audio in your product?Maybe one about nature and capturing nature in movement,One about scenery( I don't want to make ones with specific people)And I would like to be in the city and observe crowds of people and make a unique theme to go with it.You can view the image and make it move from one side to the other or zoom in or zoom out.There can be music audio/ or a smokes person talking over the video explaining it, I wish I could get Morgan Freeman to do that for me.
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