Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Opinion piece FINAL

Now that most junior high and high schools require a certain number of hours to be completed each semester or year doing volunteer work and or community service, this creates a torn opinion with the people, I  particularly agree with the people who believe this is forced volunteerism, this is almost exactly what criminals convicted with community service is forced to do due to their wrongdoings, the thing is these are innocent kids. The fact they are being forced to do this to keep going to get an education is sick. I would rather hold meetings persuading to do community service but never force them to do it; they could be doing an extra activity maybe study even, but they cannot due to the schools’ ridiculous requirements, If the people still think it promotes good citizenship why don’t they go on and do it themselves instead of pushing it on the younger generation.
Students are already being forced to study all the time they can, just to meet the education standards. Kids are put under such pressure to score well we forget to give them time to get to know who they are. Now schools are just adding on to the enormous pressure society has for these kids for them to mature. Let the kids play. These kids shouldn’t be doing forced community service to stay in school and avoid disciplinary actions.
To have good citizenship shouldn’t be forced to do work outside of school hours. Other kids have jobs, they need to make money for their car’s gas and some students have to make money to bring to their less fortunate families. Forcing the students to do this would be corrupt, almost like history is repeating itself to a time where the government forced people to work just to receive the gift of education. I understand if you want to be apart of a community at school such as the honors program, but this is not for all students. What good citizenship is shown when a child doesn’t and is being forced to clean the streets of their city.
The people who think this will bring good citizenship should go out and persuade people to do this instead of bringing this up on force and threat of discipline for a kid. If anything it should be adults doing this. Kids should already get cut some slack since the enormous pressure to receive good grades, they undergo an extreme amount of stress constantly studying, now to do community hours?

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