Monday, April 29, 2019

Dispatch issue #5

Broken glass fuels focused fundraiser-

After the broken glass vandalism, the PTSA got a large sum of donations ($10,740). The PTSA has decided to up the security this year with their donations, including updated cameras and new sensor cameras that will be more sensitive to any movement.

1. Leslie Dippel, Mr.Robertson, kylee dinwiddie, PTSA team.

2.  I think Leslie Dippel's quote was the strongest in my opinion.

3.  No, the sentence was great, but I do not care about this topic that much; it was an extremely stupid thing to do and I've already been annoyed with it when it first happened, and it was all everyone talked about. I was done after the whole glass thing a week after it happened. I'm sure most students were.

4. The conclusion was a quote.


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