Monday, August 27, 2018

News values

TIMELINESS- trump is going to begin more trade with Mexico interfering with Canada, because of this Canada got upset by this, and trump is not having it, he sent out threats to stop trade in all.

PROXIMITY-Austin is expanding every day in the most weird of ways.The economic buisness is booming off charts.

Based on seeing the true color of an artist, basically people saying that they feel closer to the artwork if they artist is the same race. Even if they didn't know if it wa made by the same race as them.

IMPACT-Many letters were sent out accusing many priest of sexual harrasment and many more. The cathlolics are currently trying to state none of it is true. This is putting them in a sticky situation.

CONFLICT- Putin and Chancellor have a negative relation ship which is causing problems. This may cause strain in the political views of Germany from Russia.

HUMAN INTEREST- The problem on vaping, because of the sky rocketing production from the interest of many teens. The FDA is working out figuring if it is safe or not.

NOVELTY- Woman who recently had a nasty break up decided o do something heartless. The woman starved her dog to get bck at her ex.

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