Friday, March 1, 2019

free write

There’s a guy sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper, he sits there for hours; not a single page lifted. The sky remained to be a bright sunny afternoon, the clouds stayed still. Time was passing by though. The crowd is in awe at what they see. what do they see? A man sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper. The reason they are in awe is that this is the first time seeing a human in its natural habitat. The crowd was from many solar systems away, they sent a humanoid to spectate the land of humans. They have been anticipating this moment for many decades. Finally, their minds put at ease.
    Of course, the man is not real, merely a replica made of the plant's resources. The clothes, paper, and images of the sky were all collected from planet Earth. The humanoid made it back but, just before the earth was destroyed. The planet beings were devastated, it was the humans who brought themselves to extinction with their own weapons and waste.
    A screen rolled down and the footage that the humanoid caught was displayed. If you thought this only caught the humans at their best, you'd be wrong. The humanoid dug deep into the human's community to catch only the rawest footage. It did. The crowd could not understand why humans committed such heinous acts upon each other, why they chose to hate based on something a human was born with and had no control over. Why they chose to hate where a human was born. Why humans were divided into different classes based on possessions. The video shed very little light on the human race. There weren't many humans out there who saw what the world for what it really was, most put themselves to death to escape it.
    When the screen rolled back it the man on the park bench appeared, the planet beings riddled with a number of emotions no longer stared at it in awe now that they knew what the humans really were, what they did. The beings don't hate humans, for they are an extinct species. They will always have the question on mind, why?
     Why did hate fill planet earth, why did the industry surround jealousy, why were humans so desperate to feel love, and that if they couldn’t they made other humans live a hell?
Even the smartest ones of the planet had no possible answers, no matter how much research they tried to do. If only they could have asked. Would even humans have known the answer?


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